The name, mission statement and devotion behind the Yaye Mimi Charity Inc nonprofit organization is based on a lady born, raised and is resting in the Senegalese soil.

Adja Aminata cherif Aïdara was born on a February 19th in Fithie Mithie ( a well known neighborhood in Dakar Senegal), raised in HLM 5 she lived happily married first in Grand Dakar then moved couple of years later to Sicap Liberté 5, where she sadly passed away from a long hurtful and hopeless illness.

During her most active years, Aminata was so open hearted that she was given the nickname of YAYE MIMI.

Yaye Mimi, throughout her lifetime have helped assisted nourished sheltered provided numerous times anybody in her circle. “She had a special relationship bond with everyone surrounding her, she knew how to and when to be there for all of us her siblings “ Said Yunus one of her youngest siblings living in Rhode Island.

Unfortunately on Friday April 18th 2008 would be when she succumbed to her illness leaving behind lots of sorrowed empty hearts on not only her own children but her adoptive ones who will never stop loving and praying for her.

As a daughter and an admirer, living with her for 16y of my life and inheriting her deeds made my siblings and I come to a conclusion that her daily routine would be our motivation and an everyday mission.

That’s the reason why we have created YAYE MIMI CHARITY INC to carry on her legacy forever.

Tuesday April 18th 2023 marks the 15th year of her passing away, we would like to commemorate her and asking for your prayers.

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We are always looking for passionate and dedicated individuals to join our mission of helping children and families in need. Whether you want to donate clothes, toys, or money, or volunteer your time and skills, we welcome you to be a part of our community and make a positive impact in the lives of those who need it the most.

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